A number of faculty, research fellows, students and staff researchers support the HAC scientific mission, computational infrastructure, partnerships and training activities. The core HAC faculty are listed below.
Core Faculty

Patricia Abbott
Associate Professor
Informatics in Health & Healthcare
Global eHealth
Implementation science

Michelle Aebersold
Clinical Associate Professor
Director of Simulation and Educational Innovation
Simulation, Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
Serious Games
Innovative Education Methods
Patient Safety

Christine Anderson
Clinical Associate Professor
Implementation science
Agent based modeling
Social network analysis
Informatics Politics and health policy

Matt Davis
Assistant Professor
Population health
Data science
Health services research
Healthcare spending and utilization

Ivo Dinov
Professor, SOCR Director, MIDAS Associate Director for Education
Predictive Big Data Analytics
Data science with biomedical and healthcare applications
Health and neuroscience informatics
Teaching with technology and blended instruction
Mathematical modeling and statistical computing

Marcy Harris
Associate Professor
Clinical informatics
Knowledge representations in clinical systems
Clinical analytic repositories /data governance strategies
Nursing health services research

Janean Holden
Barbara A. Therrien Collegiate Professor & ADR
Modulation of nociceptive and neuropathic pain

Patricia Hurn
SoN Dean & Professor
Biological mechanisms of brain injury
Stroke in women
Interdisciplinary biomedical research and innovation

Chris Liu
Associate Professor
Bayesian statistics and repeated measure models
Hypertension and cardiovascular health
Racial/ethnic disparities in cardiovascular risk

Kathleen Potempa
Community-based approaches to improving health behavior
Exercise capacity of post-stroke hemiplegic patients
Cardiovascular fitness in physically impaired populations

Robert J. Ploutz-Snyder
Research Professor and Director, Applied Biostatistics Laboratory
Mixed modeling for longitudinal studies involving fixed and random factors
Addressing the challenges associated with small-n studies in highly novel research areas
Missing data issues and analysis

Rob Stephenson
Randomized Control Trials
Online data collection

Marita Titler
Professor and Rhetaugh G. Dumas Endowed Chair, SPL
Translation/implementation science
Outcomes effectiveness research
Patient/stakeholder engagement in research
Evidence-based practice

Olga Yakusheva
Associate Professor
Acute care nursing
Social networks
Human capital
Affiliate Faculty

Barbara Kupferschmid
Assistant Professor
Sickness responses
Cognitive functioning

John E. Marcotte
Adjunct Clinical Instructor

Rhonda Schoville
Clinical Assistant professor
Technology adoption
Implementation science
Innovations and simulations
Innovative education methods